Tuesday, October 28, 2008

McCain pollster predicts massive turnout

The pollster for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) predicted Monday that 130 million people – the highest percentage of eligible voters in American history – will turn out in this presidential election.

“Turn-out IS going to go through the roof,” McCain’s pollster, Bill McInturff, says in a strategy memo released to the press. “Last night, 81% of voters described their interest in this election as a 10! Wow.”

McInturff says he thinks traditionally Republican states are “MUCH more competitive than is generally believed by the media,” and says McCain’s salvation will come from “’Wal-Mart women” — women without a college degree, in households making under $60,000 a year.

The case McInturff makes is much more optimistic than anything detected by outside pollsters or analysts.

High turnout of motivated new voters has long been viewed by strategists for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) as his key to victory.

But McInturff maintains that the new record will not be disastrous for his candidate because all types of voters will surge, not just young people and African-Americans.

“I now believe turn-out will begin to approach levels not seen since other comparable presidential campaigns in 1960 and 1968,” McInturff wrote. “In today’s terms, that could mean breaking the barrier of 130 million voters!”

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