Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Obama should Act not Blame

Obama and the Democrtic leadership are only busy since the Finacial crisis occured to blame the republican party and John McCain on the crisis and vow to bring Change and fix the Economy. but if they are incharge of the Senate and Congress they should Act now and do anything in Power to fix and bring soultions to the current crisis. but Obama and the Dems don't have any Plan and instead of acting as Americans and joining Mccains call for action and work together now they seem to reject any call to fix the economy because they are not in charge of the white house.
Obama likes to point the finger to blame but has he ever lifted a finger to change? well the american people saw today the answer and who puts country First.
John Mccain wanted to Debate with Obama on a weekly Basis in Town Hall metting style 2 month ago to discuss the Issues and Debate but Obama rejected it. and now in order to score political points by the Debates he is so into debating and showing his qualification as a leader that can handle a few crisis at a time . now is the time to Act not to score points.
The Choice is clear - Country first or Obama first. Mccain showed time and time that he puts his country first and altough the debates are critical for him too to convince the Nation his policies and views . at a time of a crisis he put evreything aside and acted as a leader and as a fighter for the American people.

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