1. She’s too inexperienced.
Wait a second — Barack Obama supporters are going to make the argument that Sarah Palin doesn’t have the experience to lead? Sarah Palin’s two years of executive experience is more than Obama’s and Biden’s put together, and she, unlike Senator Obama, has actually accomplished something during her short term in office. Palin has spent her time rooting out corruption and advocating for advancements in energy. Obama has spent his time running for president. Either way, Sarah Palin’s running for vice-president. Barack Obama is running for president. Their ticket is upside-down. Does Barack Obama really want to get into a debate about experience?
2. Where’s her foreign policy credentials?
Hasn’t Barack Obama already conceded — by virtue of how his ticket is shaped — that, for foreign policy, half a ticket is enough? Where’s Barack Obama’s foreign policy experience? And again: Sarah Palin’s running for vice-president. Barack Obama is running for president. Does Barack Obama really want to get into a debate about foreign policy credentials?
3. This is clearly just a gimmicky pick designed to lure in women!
Oh? Is there something wrong with acknowledging the fact that accomplished women have been passed over for high office for too long? Is there something wrong with wanting to ’shatter the glass ceiling’? It’s quite pathetic that a main line of attack against Sarah Palin is over her gender.
4. The woman is an extremist on abortion!
Sarah Palin has gone far and beyond the typical social conservative by actually putting her money where her mouth is. She has shown her commitment to life by choosing to mother a child with disabilities. When it comes to abortion policy, which is shaped by the court, Governor Palin shares Senator McCain’s commitment to federalism and strict constructionist judges. The two of them both support judges that will overturn Roe v. Wade and restore abortion rights to the states — where they belong.
5. She’s under investigation for abuse of power!
It’s nothing. The ‘fired’ officer was offered another job, which he refused. If Palin really wanted to “punish” him, why would she offer him another job? It’s clear that she’s telling the truth when she said that she just wanted to shake things up. It’s absolutely preposterous to state that Mrs. Palin, who has built her career on fighting corruption, would engage in such behavior. If we want to talk about corruption and shady dealings, let’s start with Senator Obama’s connections with people such as Tony Rezko and William Ayers. Does the Obama campaign really want to get into a debate about sleazy connections?
here you got more:
1. Palin has 8 years of executive experience. The Vice Presidency is an executive position. This almost inherently makes her more qualified then a someone with a similar level of legislative experience (Obama anyone?).
2. Charlie Crist and Tim Kaine were floated as potential running mates, and almost no one asked “are they qualified”, despite the fact that neither has completed as Governor. Double standard anyone?
3. Alaska borders two countries including Russia; Alaskan Governors are among the only Governors who have continual foreign interactions. Most presidents are Governors.
4. Governing a state is as much about geographic size as population size. The complexities of Governing a state as large as Alaska are not insignificant.
5. Palin is running for Vice President, not President. Obama, with a comparable level of experience, on the other hand, is running for President. You folks think that’s just hunky-dory. Double standard anyone?
6. By attacking Palin on inexperience, Democrats are really attacking the heartland; they’re saying Alaska just isn’t important enough to produce a Vice President. It’s not a glitzy industrial state; it’s not on either coast where all the cultural elites reside (this tactic worked to great effect for Clinton in 92′).
(source : www.race42008.com)
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