Sunday, August 31, 2008
17,000 attend rally with Mccain, Palin & Romney

in a event rally in missouri , romney helped mccain bring the largest crowd ever since the campaign started
Video (rtsp://
Speaking before McCain, former rival Mitt Romney went after Obama, if not by name.
"And you want to make sure our next president is someone who should be talking about protecting our nation and doesn’t just say let's sit down with the world’s worst actors Ahmadinejad and the Castro brothers," Romney said. "But instead says, let’s sit down with the best democracies in the world and form a league of democracies. Let’s protect America. You want to make sure the people of America understand that when it comes to strengthening our economy we’re not in favor of raising taxes and cutting off trade and drawing a line and saying no nuclear, no coal and no more drilling. Instead, you want a president who will say, I’ll get this economy going with low taxes, and more trade for our goods, and yes, we will drill for more oil."
biden is attracted....and jealous....
There’s a gigantic difference between John McCain and Barack Obama and between me and I suspect my vice presidential opponent,” Biden said at an outdoor rally Sunday, getting ready to hit the GOP ticket for their economic policies.
“She’s good-looking,” he quipped.
“You are gorgeous!” a female supporter in the audience shouted out. Biden asked her to repeat it into the microphone so his wife at home would hear.
“I haven’t heard that in a long, long, long time,” Biden said as the audience laughed. “Being around this lean young-looking guy is making me feel pretty old, you know what I mean? I thought I was in pretty good shape until I hung out with this guy.”
“She’s good-looking,” he quipped.
“You are gorgeous!” a female supporter in the audience shouted out. Biden asked her to repeat it into the microphone so his wife at home would hear.
“I haven’t heard that in a long, long, long time,” Biden said as the audience laughed. “Being around this lean young-looking guy is making me feel pretty old, you know what I mean? I thought I was in pretty good shape until I hung out with this guy.”
CNN Poll: Obama 49, McCain 48
CNN Poll: Obama 49, McCain 48
A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Sunday night shows the Obama-Biden ticket leading the McCain-Palin ticket by one point, 49 percent to 48 percent, a statistical dead heat.
The survey was conducted Friday through Sunday, after both the conclusion of the Democratic convention and McCain’s selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.
A previous CNN poll, taken just one week earlier, suggested the race between Sens. McCain, R-Arizona, and Obama, D-Illinois, was tied at 47 percent each.
“The convention — and particularly Obama's speech — seems to be well-received. And the selection of Sarah Palin as the GOP running mate, also seems to be well-received. So why is the race still a virtual tie? Probably because the two events created equal and opposite bounces — assuming that either one created a bounce at all,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Sunday night shows the Obama-Biden ticket leading the McCain-Palin ticket by one point, 49 percent to 48 percent, a statistical dead heat.
The survey was conducted Friday through Sunday, after both the conclusion of the Democratic convention and McCain’s selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate.
A previous CNN poll, taken just one week earlier, suggested the race between Sens. McCain, R-Arizona, and Obama, D-Illinois, was tied at 47 percent each.
“The convention — and particularly Obama's speech — seems to be well-received. And the selection of Sarah Palin as the GOP running mate, also seems to be well-received. So why is the race still a virtual tie? Probably because the two events created equal and opposite bounces — assuming that either one created a bounce at all,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
Mccain action as leader

As much as mccain and the GOP want this convention ,and have the same showtime as the dems on national tv and get their bounce and make the choice to the american people, in this time of a maybe national disaster, Mccain acted as a leader , and once again was the one that set the tone in the political market, and showed the american people that HE PUTS COUNTRY FIRST ,and this will for sure help him in the polls, and give him points , in leadership, that he put the country first BEFORE POLITICS, and acted as a bi-partisan presidentail candidate,and unlike the dems that had all these hegetive attacks last week, the GOP will stand together and act as americans for our country.
BREAKING: Mccain suspends most Convention activities

Mccain: "Take off your republican Hats, and put on The american hats".
mccaon just appeared now via satelite on tv live ,and in his remarks he said; that this is the time to act as american, so the rnc will suspend most activities in the opening of the convention ( that means no speeches tomorrow night) .
Fred thompson gets prime time slot on Monday

former tenn. senater Fred Thompson is going to get the prime time slot on first day of convention, due to the backout of cali. governer Shwartzneger that was supposed to speak on first night before president Bush.
also Bush and Cheney are to skip the convention, and the Furst lady Laura Bush is to give a longer speech .
New ticket raises 6 Million in a day
John McCain took in $6.8 million in donations yesterday, when he named Alaska Governor Sarah Palin his running mate.
The amount was a single-day record, McCain spokeswoman Brooke Buchanan said last night. The amount is more than the Arizona senator raised during the entire fourth quarter of 2007.
The amount was a single-day record, McCain spokeswoman Brooke Buchanan said last night. The amount is more than the Arizona senator raised during the entire fourth quarter of 2007.
Bush unlikely to attend RNC
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Talking Points Memo: Palin Rebuttals

1. She’s too inexperienced.
Wait a second — Barack Obama supporters are going to make the argument that Sarah Palin doesn’t have the experience to lead? Sarah Palin’s two years of executive experience is more than Obama’s and Biden’s put together, and she, unlike Senator Obama, has actually accomplished something during her short term in office. Palin has spent her time rooting out corruption and advocating for advancements in energy. Obama has spent his time running for president. Either way, Sarah Palin’s running for vice-president. Barack Obama is running for president. Their ticket is upside-down. Does Barack Obama really want to get into a debate about experience?
2. Where’s her foreign policy credentials?
Hasn’t Barack Obama already conceded — by virtue of how his ticket is shaped — that, for foreign policy, half a ticket is enough? Where’s Barack Obama’s foreign policy experience? And again: Sarah Palin’s running for vice-president. Barack Obama is running for president. Does Barack Obama really want to get into a debate about foreign policy credentials?
3. This is clearly just a gimmicky pick designed to lure in women!
Oh? Is there something wrong with acknowledging the fact that accomplished women have been passed over for high office for too long? Is there something wrong with wanting to ’shatter the glass ceiling’? It’s quite pathetic that a main line of attack against Sarah Palin is over her gender.
4. The woman is an extremist on abortion!
Sarah Palin has gone far and beyond the typical social conservative by actually putting her money where her mouth is. She has shown her commitment to life by choosing to mother a child with disabilities. When it comes to abortion policy, which is shaped by the court, Governor Palin shares Senator McCain’s commitment to federalism and strict constructionist judges. The two of them both support judges that will overturn Roe v. Wade and restore abortion rights to the states — where they belong.
5. She’s under investigation for abuse of power!
It’s nothing. The ‘fired’ officer was offered another job, which he refused. If Palin really wanted to “punish” him, why would she offer him another job? It’s clear that she’s telling the truth when she said that she just wanted to shake things up. It’s absolutely preposterous to state that Mrs. Palin, who has built her career on fighting corruption, would engage in such behavior. If we want to talk about corruption and shady dealings, let’s start with Senator Obama’s connections with people such as Tony Rezko and William Ayers. Does the Obama campaign really want to get into a debate about sleazy connections?
here you got more:
1. Palin has 8 years of executive experience. The Vice Presidency is an executive position. This almost inherently makes her more qualified then a someone with a similar level of legislative experience (Obama anyone?).
2. Charlie Crist and Tim Kaine were floated as potential running mates, and almost no one asked “are they qualified”, despite the fact that neither has completed as Governor. Double standard anyone?
3. Alaska borders two countries including Russia; Alaskan Governors are among the only Governors who have continual foreign interactions. Most presidents are Governors.
4. Governing a state is as much about geographic size as population size. The complexities of Governing a state as large as Alaska are not insignificant.
5. Palin is running for Vice President, not President. Obama, with a comparable level of experience, on the other hand, is running for President. You folks think that’s just hunky-dory. Double standard anyone?
6. By attacking Palin on inexperience, Democrats are really attacking the heartland; they’re saying Alaska just isn’t important enough to produce a Vice President. It’s not a glitzy industrial state; it’s not on either coast where all the cultural elites reside (this tactic worked to great effect for Clinton in 92′).
(source :
Palin shakes up the race
First poll made after Sarah Palin's pick a John Mccain's running mate throws the race back into a dead heat (or even a bounce comin ahead into mccains favor).
Zogby poll from friday and saturday shows Mccain leading 47 to Obama 45.
this is after Obamas convention and speech that was indicated to give him a bounce of at least 10 points...and even before the Republican convention that will highlight on Mccain .. Mccains choice will help him to at least gain momentoum into the final stretch of the election.. the toughest part. that is to convince the nation thay Mccain has a chance to change the couuntry
Zogby poll from friday and saturday shows Mccain leading 47 to Obama 45.
this is after Obamas convention and speech that was indicated to give him a bounce of at least 10 points...and even before the Republican convention that will highlight on Mccain .. Mccains choice will help him to at least gain momentoum into the final stretch of the election.. the toughest part. that is to convince the nation thay Mccain has a chance to change the couuntry
Friday, August 29, 2008
Message of John Mccain

My Friends,
I am honored to announce that I have chosen Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska as my choice for the Republican nominee for Vice President. As a father with three daughters, I can't express how proud I am to choose the first female Republican Vice-Presidential nominee.
Sarah Palin is a trailblazer and a reformer. As the first female governor of Alaska, she challenged a corrupt system and has been a tireless advocate for reform - passing a landmark bill on ethics reform. She has taken on the old politics in Alaska and reformed the state's energy industry. She rejects wasteful pork barrel spending. She's fearless - exactly the type of leader I want at my side and the type of leadership we will bring to Washington.
My friends, together Sarah Palin and I make the strongest presidential ticket and I know that she joins me in asking for your support as we head into our Convention week in Minnesota. We're shaking things up in this campaign - and Governor Palin and I are ready to bring real reform to Washington.
The polls indicate this will be a tight race as we head into the fall campaign against Senators Obama and Biden. I expect the polls to remain close all the way up to Election Day and that is why any help you can give today will go a long way to make history on November 4th.
You can be assured that as President and Vice President, Governor Palin and I will always put country before all else. We are ready to lead and I ask that you join our campaign today. Your support is deeply appreciated.
John McCain
live blogging; Mccain announces Sarah Palin as VP pick
11:29 rob portman: "against the odds, we did it * yrs ago, we did it 4 yrs ago, are we gona do it again?"
11:17 good phrase: "we need a work horse, not a show pony"
11:12 crowd enthusiastic and cheering , john husted ohio rep house speaker talkin now, attacking the dems
10:56 stadium gets full.... awaiting the candidates to arrive in the next hour
the media is shocked... this is for sure a great event for mccain
11:17 good phrase: "we need a work horse, not a show pony"
11:12 crowd enthusiastic and cheering , john husted ohio rep house speaker talkin now, attacking the dems
10:56 stadium gets full.... awaiting the candidates to arrive in the next hour
the media is shocked... this is for sure a great event for mccain
Why Palin?
altough my dream was a Romney pick, a strong leader and a experienced man that was tested, but it was mccain that took the decision, and why? first of all its the suprise, a candidate that wasent on the buzz , 2) she's a female, and a fresh face in the party, that could attract young voters, and bring down obama's message that mccain is more of the same, plus she is a strong conservative and has excutive experience.
so lets go rock the country and elect mccain/palin to lead our country to a better and safer future.
so lets go rock the country and elect mccain/palin to lead our country to a better and safer future.
Palin's bio

Palin was born as Sarah Louise Heath in Sandpoint, Idaho, U.S.A., the daughter of Charles and Sally (Sheeran) Heath.[2] The family moved to Alaska when Sarah was an infant.[3] Charles Heath was a popular science teacher and coached track.[3] The Heaths were avid outdoors enthusiasts; Sarah and her father would sometimes wake at 3 a.m. to hunt moose before school, and the family would regularly run 5k and 10k races.[3]
Palin was the point guard and captain for the Wasilla High School Warriors when they won the Alaska small-school basketball championship in 1982; she earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" because of her intense play.[3] [4] She played the championship game despite a stress fracture in her ankle, hitting a critical free throw in the last seconds.[3] Palin, who was also the head of the school Fellowship of Christian Athletes, would lead the team in prayer before games.[3]
In 1984, Palin was first runner-up in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant after winning the Miss Wasilla contest earlier that year, winning a scholarship to help pay her way through college.[3][5] In the Wasilla pageant, she played the flute and also won Miss Congeniality.
Details of Palin's personal life have contributed to her political image. She hunts, eats moose burgers, ice fishes, rides snowmobiles, and owns a float plane.[6][7] Palin holds a lifetime membership with the National Rifle Association. She admits that she used marijuana when it was legal in Alaska, but says that she did not like it.[8]
Palin holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Idaho where she also minored in politics. She briefly worked as a sports reporter for local Anchorage television stations while also working as a commercial fisherman with her husband, Todd, her high school sweetheart.[3] One summer when she was working on Todd's fishing boat, the boat collided with a tender while she was holding onto the railing; Palin broke several fingers.[3] Outside the fishing season, Todd works for BP at an oil field on the North Slope[9] and is a champion snowmobiler, winning the 2000-mile "Iron Dog" race four times.[3] The two eloped shortly after Palin graduated college; when they learned they needed witnesses for the civil ceremony, they recruited two residents from the old-age home down the street.[3] Todd is a Native Yup'ik Eskimo.[3] The Palin family lives in Wasilla, about 40 miles (64 km) north of Anchorage.[10]
On September 11, 2007, the Palins' son Track joined the Army. Eighteen years old at the time, he is the eldest of Palin's five children.[10] Track now serves in an infantry brigade and will be deployed to Iraq in September. She also has three daughters: Bristol, 17, Willow, 13, and Piper, 7.[11] On April 18, 2008, Palin gave birth to her second son, Trig Paxson Van Palin, who has Down syndrome.[12] (Sarah returned to the office three days after giving birth.[13]) Palin refused to let the results of prenatal genetic testing change her decision to have the baby. "I'm looking at him right now, and I see perfection," Palin said. "Yeah, he has an extra chromosome. I keep thinking, in our world, what is normal and what is perfect?"[13]
[edit] Pre-gubernatorial political experience
Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska City Council from 1992 to 1996. In 1996, she challenged the incumbent mayor, criticizing wasteful spending and high taxes.[3] The ex-mayor and sheriff tried to organize a recall campaign, but failed.[3] Palin kept her campaign promises, reducing her own salary, as well as reducing property taxes 60%.[3] She ran for reelection against the former mayor in 1999, winning by an even larger margin.[3][14] Palin was also elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors.[11]
In 2002, Palin made an unsuccessful bid for Lieutenant Governor, coming in second to Loren Leman in a four-way race. After Frank Murkowski became governor (resigning his long-held U.S. Senate seat in mid-term), Palin interviewed to be his possible successor, but Murkowski appointed his daughter, then-Alaska State Representative Lisa Murkowski.[3]
Then-Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission[15], where she served from 2003 to 2004 -- until resigning in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interest.[3] After she resigned, she exposed the state Republican party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners (who was accused of doing work for the party on public time, and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail).[16] Palin filed formal complaints against both Ruedrich and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who both resigned; Ruedrich paid a record $12,000 fine.[3]
[edit] Governorship
Governor Palin with Alaska's At-large U.S. Representative Don YoungIn 2006, Palin, running on a clean-government campaign, executed an upset victory over then-Gov. Murkowski in the Republican gubernatorial primary.[3] Despite the lack of support from party leaders and being outspent by her Democratic opponent, she went on to win the general election in November 2006, defeating former Governor Tony Knowles.[3] Palin said in 2006 that education, public safety, and transportation would be three cornerstones of her administration.[8]
When elected, Palin became the youngest governor in Alaskan history (42 years old upon taking office), and the first woman to be Alaska's governor. Palin was also the first Alaskan governor born after Alaska achieved U.S. statehood. She was also the first Alaskan governor not to be inaugurated in Juneau, instead choosing to hold her inauguration ceremony in Fairbanks. She took office on December 4, 2006.
Highlights of Governor Palin's tenure include a successful push for an ethics bill, and also shelving pork-barrel projects supported by fellow Republicans. Palin successfully killed the Bridge to Nowhere project that had become a nationwide symbol of wasteful earmark spending.[13][17] "Alaska needs to be self-sufficient, she says, instead of relying heavily on 'federal dollars,' as the state does today."[6]
She has challenged the state's Republican leaders, helping to launch a campaign by Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell to unseat U.S. Congressman Don Young[18] and publicly challenging Senator Ted Stevens to come clean about the federal investigation into his financial dealings.[13] Palin supports holding occasional legislative sessions outside the state capital, and municipal revenue sharing to help local governments.[citation needed]
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