Wednesday, September 3, 2008

first night: its all about mccain

republicans opened the convention with a pledge to the american people: as one of our greatest presidents said: ''its not about the promises u make. its about the promises u keep''. the democrat nominee barack obama made a wonderful speech last week with aloto f promises but didn't explain how he will keep his promises and how he will acchieve it. you can promise to take out our troops of iraq and send more troops to afganistan but how? lower the taxes for middle class families but how ?through higher taxes on businesses? end our dependent on foriegn oil but how? and how he will protect the usa from our enemy's .

so here came the republican responce. the personal lifetime story of john mccain and the political lifestyle of john mccain show us that this is a man that fears no challenges. and is the man that we can trust that he will keep that promise to the american people. he will defeat our enemy's that try to destroy us and win the war in irag because john mccain will never give up and will never surrender when it comes to the security of the american people. he will put country first and he's the only man that his lifetime story shows us that he is ready to lead and keep the promises and get things done in washington.

fred thompson appealed to the conservative base and joe lieberman to the democartic and independent base and both men made their choices loud and clear that if you want things getting done in washington and if you want your voices to be heard and the promises to be kept. the light tower to be built .the bridge to be crossed then no matter who you are the only choice is to vote for john mccain for president on nov. 4

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